This website is open-source and it is located at
Feel free to change the info and create a pull request to update any plugin information or to add new plugins to the index.
The format is quite simple, just create a new file with a date in the _posts folder,
for instance "2023-04-21-mypluginkey.markdown" and fill it with the plugin information:
--- title: My Plugin layout: plugin homepage: https://mypluginhomepage organization: my organization organization_url: my organization url download_url: https://myplugindownloadurl download_version: X.Y.Z download_description: release notes for the version download_date: YYYY-MM-DD license: GNU LGPL 3 ... developers: list of developers that contribute to the plugin sonarqube_version: 8.9-9.9-10.x category: choose a category description: plugin description details: additional details seo: name: My Plugin headline: My Plugin - SonarQube Plugin type: ItemPage ---
Once the pull request is merged the data will be updated on the website.
Take a look at the samples here.
Plugins available at SonarSource update center are refreshed automatically. is just a website where you can find SonarQube™ plugins to extend your SonarQube™ installation with awesome features.
We don't have any responsibility about the plugins listed here.
This is just a plugin compilation site.
This is not an Official Marketplace for SonarQube™.
If you have developed a SonarQube™ plugin (either free or commercial) and you want to make it public in this list, feel free to contribute!